On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 2:07 PM, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom
<chr...@real-time.com> wrote:
> On 06/09 01:50 , Les Mikesell wrote:
>> Sometimes this is caused by a nat router or stateful firewall
>> (possibly even host firewall software) timing out and breaking a
>> connection due to too much idle time in the traffic.  If you are
>> running over ssh you can usually fix it by enabling keepalives - not
>> sure about the standalone rsyncd options.
> Good thought. However, it consistently happens to only one host, doesn't
> seem to correspond to having moved that host to another side of the
> firewall, and both the client and the backup server are on the same
> broadcast domain.
> That said, it's at a remote location and I can't trace the cabling myself,
> so it's possible there's a switch or something which is a bit more 'clever'
> than it should be, and is causing this.

It might just be somewhat different timing for that host too - that
is, there may be a large number of unchanging files or it has slow
drives that make it take a longer time to find something that changed.

   Les Mikesell

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