
Is it possible to access backups created with a different machine?

My backuppc server died, but /var/lib/backuppc was on a different disk 
so I still have full backups of localhost.
Ideally I would like to restore the full system but it would already be 
very good to recover the mysql databases and selected system 
configuration files.

I reinstalled ubuntu, reinstalled backuppc, relinked /var/lib/backuppc but
- No joy with the GUI (old backups do not show)
- No joy using the command line.

(as backuppc user)
$ /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate -h localhost -n 224 -s '/' 
/var/lib/mysql > /tmp/dbs.tar
/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate: bad backup number 224 for 
host localhost

- BackupPC_zcat works but I have not figured out how to restore 
user:group and permissions

Is there a way to get the GUI to read the backups (I am lazy)? If not is 
there a way to trick BackupPC_tarCreate?

Note that when I re-installed backuppc it probably wrote new files in 
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/ and I do not have backups of those.



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