On Tuesday 25 October 2016 12:23:50 Jan Novak wrote:
> Am 25.10.2016 um 11:58 schrieb Markus Koeberl:
> >> yes, also another topic: I use zfs. Will backuppc handle snapshots in
> >> the future?
> > There was this posting on the ZFSonLinux list which might be interesting 
> > for you:
> > http://list.zfsonlinux.org/pipermail/zfs-discuss/2014-March/014859.html
> > It allows zfs send/receive over a highly unstable connection
> I had read the php code - there are some errors to fix (what i had done) 
> and the script is now running - but i'm not shure to use it ...
> First I will try to use zfs native (build in) functions to snap the data 
> from one location to the other.

I do not know if I did understand your problem

What you do to copy a ZFS file system is always the same: crate a snapshot and 
send it to the other host
You can pipe it through ssh, netcat or use the php code from the posting (it 
depends on your environment which is most suitable)...

> Last question:
> Can Backuppc handle zfs block data? (there are no files to sync, only a 
> raw "partition")?

Without using a file system feature or using something like DRBD this will not 
work. You need to get a consistent state which cannot change during the 
backup/transmit operation.
zfs send/receive makes no difference if the zfs volume it is used as a zfs file 
system or a zfs block level device

Markus Köberl
Markus Koeberl
Graz University of Technology
Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
E-mail: markus.koeb...@tugraz.at

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