On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 6:29 AM, Bob of Donelson Trophy
<b...@donelsontrophy.net> wrote:
> I backed up a small Active Directory Domain Controller (Samba4). It is about
> 5Gb in size and (full) backed up in about an hour. Slower than the local
> Backuppc but, not a lot slower.

Note that samba xfers are going to transfer everything on every full run.

> Then I started the backup of one of the ADDC member file servers . . . about
> 250Gb (I think) . . . Backuppc (thru vpn) has been running now for about 21
> hours for this first, full backup. This backup took about five or six hours
> locally.

Is this also samba or are you using rsync for this?

> I'm guessing it will finish soon . . . I hope.
> This idea of doing the initial backup (of the second machine) on the local
> lan and then moving it to the second location, I do not see this as very
> practical. Every week (6.97 days) Backuppc does a full backup, does this
> mean I need to move the machine every 6.97 days to the local lan?

With the rsync or rysyncd xfer methods, even on full runs only the
changes are sent over the wire although the client reads all the files
to do a block checksum comparison so it may still take a long time to
complete even when not using a lot of bandwidth.

> Surely there is some compression options that could be put in place to
> better stream the data thru the vpn and improve the backup speed?
> So I add "-C" to the "RsyncClientCmd sshpath" or "RsyncArgs"?
> Aren't the "-q -x -l" default options in the "RsyncClientCmd sshpath" ssh
> options? (Therefore the "-C" addition goes with them?)

Yes, it goes in the sshpath - or you can also control compression with
the sshd configuration on the client side.   However, it is only used
with the rsync xfer method.  Rsyncd and samba do not use the ssh

   Les Mikesell

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