I maintain a BackupPC system for our small museum, backing up about 10 
computers, mostly Windows. BPC is version 3.3.1, running on Centos 7. I just 
upgraded to Centos 7 earlier this year and got everything working again ok. The 
one Mac I backup (mine) was just upgraded to 10.12 Sierra and I can no longer 
get BPC to connect to it. In the past I’ve been able to copy a key using 
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_dsa.pub root@host_to_backup (at least I think this is 
the command I’ve used, its from from a tutorial on setting up BPC in Centos).

I’ve seen some stuff on the web about differences in keys in Sierra, but what 
puzzles me most is that I can’t ssh to root on the Mac now. When I try to ssh 
to it from the BPC server, it keeps asking for the password and ultimately 
fails. I can ssh into another user, just not root. Has anyone successfully 
gotten BPC to work with Sierra using rsync and a key?

Mike Conner

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