Hi Yves, I would be interested in getting the newer version of the 
cygwin-rsyncd package if possible.  I'm having problems with a Windows 10 
backup and would like to see if this is the answer.  Thank you.

Ted Buchanan
Computer/Network Analyst 

From:   "GMail YO" <yves.ouv...@gmail.com>
To:     <BackupPC-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Date:   12/01/2016 08:10 AM
Subject:        [BackupPC-users] cygwin-rsyncd-

Hi all,
I?m testing a new package BackupPC/cygwin-rsyncd.
It?s based on rsync 3.1.2 with all other upgraded tools (cygwin, 
cygrunsrv, blat, doc)
Quite a simple job going from 3.0.9 package and replacing all I found in 
Are you interested to get it ?
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