I use the Backuppc 's version 3.3.1-2ubuntu3.1 with Ubuntu 16.04
I want change the storage place from /var/lib/backuppc (sdb) to /media/edith/Disque640Go/backuppc (sda).

I used this method :

sudo service backuppc stop
sudo mkdir /media/edith/Disque640Go/backuppc/
sudo rsync -va /var/lib/backuppc /media/edith/Disque640Go/
sudo mv /var/lib/backuppc /var/lib/backuppc_origine
sudo ln -s /media/edith/Disque640Go/backuppc /var/lib/backuppc
sudo chown -h backuppc:backuppc /var/lib/backuppc
sudo service backuppc start

And I have this result : Job for backuppc.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status backuppc.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

Before I used Backuppc with Ubuntu 14.04 and 12.04, and it was perfect.
Why can't I use now ? What's the problem ?

Someone could help me ?


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