On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 8:30 PM, Scott Walker
<scott.wal...@framestore.com> wrote:
> Infra is not really a concern for me, it's more will the software handle it.

There aren't really any limits in the software.  Just some
inefficiency in the perl implementation of rsync in v3.   I don't have
any experience with v4.  I'd expect the use of native rsync on the
server side to be an improvement but I'm not sure how much other
processing happens there.

> Network connectivity and IOPs aren't a huge concern (machines will be speced
> to be "beasts" as well as network.
> de-dupe for me is not a massive want. 99.9% of the files we will be backing
> up are 100% unique. I'd rather spend the time shuffling data then de-dupe
> it.

The de-dupe affects multiple full runs from the same host as well as
actual duplicates, so you can keep a much longer history online in the
same amount of space.  And the hard link approach is very efficient
(as long as you don't ever try to copy your whole archive).
Compression may be more of a hit, especially if your data doesn't
compress much, but you can turn that off if you want.

> For me it's more of a is BPC even a remotely viable solution. Other studio
> uses netbackup and I'd rather sit on a razor than use it to be honest so I'm
> out fact finding.
> I've used BPC v3 but to back up /etc off servers. Never to handle PBs of
> data.

It is going to boil down to the rate of change in the data and your
ability to build an efficient raid/LVM volume of an appropriate size.
But even if you need more than one server to handle it, the interface
that lets you pick any file or directory from the history and either
restore back to the source location or download through your browser
is going to be nicer than most other solutions.

   Les Mikesell

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