in the log I see many lines like these:
2017-05-04 09:03:55 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_refCountUpdate  
-m -s -c -P 5 -r 16-31
2017-05-04 09:03:55  admin : __bpc_pidStart__ 725
2017-05-04 09:04:01  admin : BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file  
11d9a30eb21b173a1e073e7a86b83f2e count 16
2017-05-04 09:04:01  admin : BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file  
109ea560445eaeaff3b90f2d0810ca95 count 6
2017-05-04 09:04:01  admin : BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file  
1196c64c5ca46448928d9c57189349e5 count 16

The files itself exist though. This is what ls shows:
ls /var/lib/backuppc/cpool/10/d8/11d9a30*

Version: 4.1.1git
Repo has been migrated to V4 (I hope all now, just checking right now).

Many regards, Dieter Fauth :-)

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