I set "$Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod} = 1;" yesterday, and really
didn't see a change in the size discrepancy between what BackupPC reports
and the file system still remains, after letting it run with the updated
config for two nights.  The estimate from my last message grew from 26GiB
to 29GiB, while the actual space used on the disk grew only 1GB.   Is is
possible that the process is still using the default value of 16 anyway?

The WebUI shows: "Pool is 29.08GiB comprising 779885 files and 16512
directories (as of 5/4 01:00),"

And a check of the base file system shows:
# du -bhs *
52G cpool
2.2G pc
4.0K pool

My log output from last night suggests that the Nightly job really didn't
take very long, and I question if it had time to scan the pool for actual
size used:

2017-05-04 01:00:00 24hr disk usage: 5% max, 5% recent, 0 skipped hosts
2017-05-04 01:00:00 Aging LOG files, LOG -> LOG.0 -> LOG.1 -> ... -> LOG.13
2017-05-04 01:00:00 Running 2 BackupPC_nightly jobs from 0..15 (out of
2017-05-04 01:00:00 Running BackupPC_nightly -m -P 6 0 127 (pid=21588)
2017-05-04 01:00:00 Running BackupPC_nightly -P 6 128 255 (pid=21589)
2017-05-04 01:00:00 Next wakeup is 2017-05-04 02:00:00
2017-05-04 01:00:01 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m
-s -c -P 6 -r 0-127
2017-05-04 01:00:01 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m
-s -c -P 6 -r 128-255
2017-05-04 01:00:01  admin1 : __bpc_pidStart__ 21604
2017-05-04 01:00:01  admin : __bpc_pidStart__ 21603
2017-05-04 01:00:36  admin : __bpc_pidEnd__ 21603
2017-05-04 01:00:36 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_sendEmail
2017-05-04 01:00:37  admin1 : __bpc_pidEnd__ 21604
2017-05-04 01:00:37 Finished  admin1  (BackupPC_nightly -P 6 128 255)
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Finished  admin  (BackupPC_nightly -m -P 6 0 127)
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Pool nightly clean removed 0 files of size 0.00GB
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Pool is 0.00GB, 0 files (0 repeated, 0 max chain, 0 max
links), 0 directories
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Cpool nightly clean removed 0 files of size 0.00GB
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Cpool is 0.00GB, 0 files (0 repeated, 0 max chain, 0
max links), 0 directories
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Pool4 nightly clean removed 0 files of size 0.00GB
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Pool4 is 0.00GB, 0 files (0 repeated, 0 max chain, 0
max links), 0 directories
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Cpool4 nightly clean removed 603 files of size 0.06GB
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Cpool4 is 29.77GB, 779885 files (0 repeated, 0 max
chain, 4334 max links), 16512 directories
2017-05-04 01:00:40 Running BackupPC_rrdUpdate (pid=21628)
2017-05-04 01:00:43  admin-1 : 2017-05-04 01:00:43 RRD updated: date
1493942400; cpoolKb 0.000000; total 719841210.985352; poolKb 0.000000;
pool4Kb 0.000000; cpool4Kb 30488312.000000
2017-05-04 01:00:45 Finished  admin-1  (BackupPC_rrdUpdate)

Thanks again for taking a look at this.

On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 10:50 PM, Craig Barratt <cbarratt@users.sourceforge.
net> wrote:

> The nightly pool check (BackupPC_nightly) only traverses a portion of the
> pool each night.  See $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod}.  The default is
> 16, meaning it takes 16 nightly runs to get through the whole pool.
> It looks like your installation is quite small, so you could
> set $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod} to 1.
> Craig
> On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Ray Frush <>
> wrote:
>> My instance of Backuppc 4.1.1 reports:
>> "Pool is 26.56GiB comprising 764047 files and 16512 directories (as of
>> 5/1 01:00)"
>> However, when I check the file system, I get 'slightly' different numbers:
>> # du -bhs *
>> 50G cpool
>> 2.1G pc
>> 4.0K pool
>> 26GiB  vs ~52GB.
>> The target file system is an NFS file system.   Is there something I
>> should be doing different to get a more accurate report of the pool size?
>> How does BackupPC calculate the pool size?   (I'm trying to grok the source
>> code, but haven't found the method yet.)
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Ray Frush
>> Colorado State University

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