Hi Holger,
The directories for the pools do not use the last bit (128 instead of 256  
It is documented somewhere.
So there is top level 10 and 12, but no 11.
Same with next level. D9 and D8 go into D8 since there is no D9 directory.

> I believe a file '11d9...' should be in 11/d9/, not in 10/d8/  
> (off-by-one in
> both path components).

I would be interested in knowing why this design decision has been made.  
(in case the devs reads this - not to complain, but to learn)

Leaves me back on my original issue. For me it smells like a bug.  
Unfortunately perl is none of my languages.
If I am the only one seeing this, it could be my hard drive as well, the  
migration caused quite some stress to it. A fresh one is already waiting...

PS: Sorry for the DOT, was a copy error I guess

Many regards, Dieter Fauth :-)

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