On 2017-05-15 05:20, Tapio Lehtonen wrote:
> Server is Debian 8.7, backuppc version 3.3.0-2+deb8u1
> Backing up Linux computers works.
> Have not been able to backup Windows 7 Professional. I have on windows
> local backuppc user, that user belongs to groups administrator and
> backup operator. The share C is shared to network and user backuppc
> has full rights.
> Still the home directories of other users are empty. Only
> C/Users/backuppc has content.
> So, Backuppc server can read files from the client, but not all files.
> Seems I can not figure any  more ways to give permissions to backuppc.
> That Windows 7 is client in workgroup, the server is a Linux host
> running Samba 4.2.14. Maybe this is not relevant.

There are a few important things to understand here.  One is that not 
all transport mechanisms are created equal when backing up Windows 
systems.  From what you've said, I deduce that you're using samba to 
back up Windows 7, which is important, because it has permission and 
semantic implications.

First, permissions.  I note that Windows permissions can be complex and 
there's no inherent concept of a "root" account.  I note that shares 
permission and files permission are different things and must both be 
granted for samba to be able to read these files.  I note that Microsoft 
has recently added permissions that block smb/cifs from accessing 
certain system files or performing actions that might be considered 
"unsafe," which may be an issue, depending on what you're attempting to 
back up.

Second, is file semantics.  Windows isn't particularly good about noting 
what's wrong (and this also varies by transport) so that it's possible 
to get what looks like a permission error when what's actually happening 
is a semantic error.  Here I note that Windows can have files open 
exclusively (Outlook files and database files are common examples) which 
means that no other process, including backup processes, are allowed to 
read these files and are denied access.  Before leaving the semantic 
topic, I'll note that Windows also has the concepts of directory 
junctions and redirection; since that doesn't appear to be the case for 
something in your own directory.  But don't expect to be able to back up 
your own registry files directly through samba, either.

At any rate, these reasons are why I personally switched to a 
combination of rsync and vshadow (to handle open files) and put together 
a package to install the proper files on the client side.

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