ah... sorry.

now i clearly understand. many thanks, Craig


On 22 May 2017 at 12:42, Craig Barratt <cbarr...@users.sourceforge.net>

> Alex,
> You didn't answer my question.
> It should be ok to use BackupPC_backupDelete as Michael suggested, even
> without taking a new full backup. I recommend using the -r option, which
> will re-run BackupPC_refCountUpdate:
> su backuppcUser
> BackupPC_backupDelete -h HOST -n 134 -r
> It will merge changes into the prior backup #133 so that viewing #133 will
> look the same.  But it should remove references to the additional files
> since they are not present in #133 (if people want to know the details,
> #133 has delete attributes for the new top-level directories in 134, so the
> merging will not copy them).  After two nights of BackupPC_nightly runs the
> extra pool files should be removed.
> BackupPC_backupDelete also supports the option of deleting just a portion
> (ie: a list of directories) of a backup rather than the whole backup.  That
> should also have the desired effect - the files shouldn't be merged into
> the prior #133 since they weren't present in #133.
> Craig
> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 9:31 PM, Alexey Safonov <
> asafo...@kokomocapital.com> wrote:
>> sorry? what do you mean?
>> let me try full backup first and then wait for night maintenance. but i'm
>> sure that pool size will be same as that not needed files was backed up and
>> now will be in pool for history.
>> for me it's not big problem as i have free size in pool and can wait 8
>> weeks (our backup policy) until files will be deleted. but may be we need
>> to find solution to help other users in future
>> many thanks for your answers
>> Alex
>> On 22 May 2017 at 12:24, Michael Huntley <mich...@huntley.net> wrote:
>>> Can we stick to the backups with #133, #134, #135?
>>> Cheers!
>>> mph
>>> On 2017-05-21 21:19, Alexey Safonov wrote:
>>> here is one real example
>>> 321 incr num of files  = 131074
>>> 322 incr num of files = 774220 (because of error ib backupfilesonly)
>>> 324 incr num of files 130946 (after applying hotfix)
>>> and i can see graph on main page that show usage of pool ~3 times higher
>>> than regular. so now i'm looking how to reduce size of pool.
>>> Alex
>>> On 22 May 2017 at 12:14, Craig Barratt <cbarr...@users.sourceforge.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Is 134 large because it included additional directories or files that
>>>> are not in 133 or 135?
>>>> Is backup 133 filled?
>>>> Craig
>>>> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 8:49 PM, Alexey Safonov <
>>>> asafo...@kokomocapital.com> wrote:
>>>>> but if i do full backup for example 135 it will copy existing 134 and
>>>>> then do diff into 134
>>>>> that's new in V4
>>>>> so there are no way to delete data that was backup by mistake and
>>>>> preserver history.
>>>>> V4 is good one but more complex according to V3.
>>>>> and now i have 500GB used on /mnt/backup (and regular was about
>>>>> 100-1500GB :)
>>>>> Alex
>>>>> On 22 May 2017 at 11:45, Michael Huntley <mich...@huntley.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Ah, ok.  I would run a Full backup (now considered "Filled").  That's
>>>>>> the safest move prior to removing 134.  The most recent backup is always
>>>>>> Filled, but were talking about important data so I don't see a problem 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> doing on more Full (Filled) backup to ensure safety.
>>>>>> Craig - anything wrong with my logic here?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> mph
>>>>>> On 2017-05-21 20:29, Alexey Safonov wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for quick reply.
>>>>>> but as i understan in V4 full backup in last folder. My question is
>>>>>> related to bug in 4.1.2 (that is now fixed). But because of that bug i 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> regular backup 133 , abnormal backup 134 (it's huge in size) and again
>>>>>> normal backup 135
>>>>>> i need to really cleanup my NFS storage. So if i delete 134 it will
>>>>>> not help? is it correct?
>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>> On 22 May 2017 at 11:26, Michael Huntley <mich...@huntley.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> I would strongly suggest the use of BackupPC_backupDelete -n 134 to
>>>>>>> properly remove the backup.  It should be fine to remove.  You'll lose
>>>>>>> whatever changes occurred between 133 and 134.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> mph
>>>>>>> On 2017-05-21 19:36, Alexey Safonov wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, All
>>>>>>> I'm usinv V4 backuppc. is it safe to delete one intermediate backup?
>>>>>>> for example we have in /pc/litspc123 dirs 133 135 and 135
>>>>>>> is it safe to delete backup 134 directly from nfs?
>>>>>>> Alex
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