> [backuppc@localhost bin]$ ./BackupPC_zcat /Bobby/pc/*/XferLOG.*.z | egrep
> *headphone*
> The output of this command is instantaneous! So the search from the CLI
> is very powerful and VERY fast. The problem is that the results do not
> tell which backup has the resulting file, the backup number or the
> modification date.

BackupPC_zcat behaves like cat, simply concatenating multiple arguments.
You should write a short shell script that iterates through each file, eg
in bash:

for file in /Bobby/pc/*/XferLOG.*.z ; do echo $file ; BackupPC_zcat $file |
egrep "*headphone*" ; done

As well as the last modified date?

Typically mtimes don't appear in the XferLOG file, so you'll need to use
the BackupPC_ls approach instead (which will produce an accurate list of
files, whereas the XferLOG file might not show unchanged files depending on
the Xfer method and log level etc).

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