On 10/5/2017 12:14 PM, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
Are graphs in dashboard updated after a nightly process has processes
the whole pool ?

It is updated on every nightly run. It doesn't matter if some files in the pool 
are unprocessed, they still occupy pool space.

In example, if I set the nightly process to scan pool in 2 or 3 days,
graphs would be updated every day anyway, or after 2 or 3 days ?

Asking this because I want daily graphs but as nightly is a very very
very heavy process (load is more than 10 when running) I would like to
split the nightly in 4 days or so.

In BackupPC v4 if you set "$Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod}" to N (default is 
16) nightly will process 1/N of the pool every night.
Pool graphs will be updated on every nightly run (i.e. every night).


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