Hello, I recently was given a Dell Precision T1500 and decided to finally make 
a backup server. I wanted to backup my storage drive (Drive letter E) offsite 
automatically from my main computer which runs Windows 7. So I found out about 
BackupPC and set it up according to this source: 
https://www.howtoforge.com/linux_backuppc and was able to start a backup. I had 
personal errands to take care of so I left the backup to run and came back to 
this in the XferLOG:

This snippet is from the top of the log:

Contents of file /var/lib/backuppc/pc/blunt-pc/XferLOG.0.z, modified 2018-08-20 

Running: /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\blunt-pc\\E -I -U Blunt -E -d 1 -c 
tarmode\ full -Tc -
full backup started for share E
Xfer PIDs are now 6250,6249
WARNING: The "syslog" option is deprecated
Domain=[BLUNT-PC] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows 7 
Ultimate 6.1]
tar:316  tarmode is now full, system, hidden, noreset, quiet

This snippet is from the bottom of the log:

create   644       0/0  6440353792 pagefile.sys
tarExtract: �6���Y��<�����H���}��c��j�P���
tarExtract: ���� d�������l�)�>=�C��&�
tarExtract: �U���{�+�|��.�����#���M���L��j�M�}���v���f��o�H�p���H��}/����9: 
checksum error at
tarExtract: Can't open 
 for empty output  create     0       0/0           0 
tarExtract: ���� d�������l�)�>=�C��&�
tarExtract: �U���{�+�|��.�����#���M���L��j�M�}���v���f��o�H�p���H��}/����9
tarExtract: �1����!.�d�����,���e��y����i�����Z���H��r�Y�����C��z 
tarExtract: ���
tarExtract: ����7�M�����m���D�BJ��������������
tarExtract: ]�/_: checksum error at
tarExtract: Unable to open 
 for writingBotch, no matches on 
 (715fadf75232a925b6f7e60587a51417)Can't open 
 for empty output  create     0       0/0           0 
�1����!.�d�����,���e��y����i�����Z���H��r�Y�����C��z ��7�1�~��<�e��
tarExtract: ���
tarExtract: ����7�M�����m���D�BJ��������������
tarExtract: ]�/_
tarExtract: ����8�3*�
tarExtract: Z�����2����?�P����� 
tarExtract: ���n��������r�����I���6�/�v�����k�{�"�,;�/a: checksum 
error at
NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \System Volume Information\*
tar:712  Total bytes received: 131331187102
tarExtract: Unable to open 
 for writingBotch, no matches on 
 (e4894caf9ef0d79e617cfceb23934040)Can't open 
 for empty output  create     0       0/0           0 ����8�3*�
tarExtract: Z�����2����?�P����� 
tarExtract: ���n��������r�����I���6�/�v�����k�{�"�,;�/a
tarExtract: W��������e�'�<7���B�/�����: checksum error at
tarExtract: Unable to open 
 for writingBotch, no matches on 
 (583fc6779d9ccc4b6731ef590de7624f)Unable to open 
 for writingBotch, no matches on 
 (beb238b6286d0723b041a8e68e898d35)Can't open 
 ��n�����<�cl%0aW��������e�'�<7���B�/f����� for empty output  
create     0       0/0           0 
tarExtract: W��������e�'�<7���B�/�����
tarExtract: ���I��b�(�1�}���d��� 
 checksum error at
tarExtract: Unable to open 
 ��n�����<�cl%0aW��������e�'�<7���B�/attrib for writingBotch, no 
matches on 
(fe92b615ae50cb0731374e51d6ef3f27)Can't open 
 for empty output  create     0       0/0           0 ���I��b�(�1�}���d��� 
 checksum error at
tarExtract: Unable to open 
 for writingBotch, no matches on 
 (da59bb27b2b51905a17b4637d21c6432)Can't open 
 for empty output  create     0       0/0           0 
 �X���\���V����s�����WbB����{�����:x/�: checksum error at
tarExtract: Unable to open 
 for writingBotch, no matches on 
 (2dc4589a4784f5eb9b9c518c50be25d4)Can't open 
 �X���\���V����s�����WbB����{�����:x/f� for empty output  create     0       
0/0           0 
tarExtract: ^Z?��������������
tarExtract: ���������� .,������������Kga? ��������        
<WO$����w�h�w�����"L]U<����#��������������7hwb/������: checksum error at
tarExtract: Unable to open 
 �X���\���V����s�����WbB����{�����:x/attrib for writingBotch, no matches on 
(b1e09ed260c01689a5d2ebc7243bf39a)Can't open 
.,������������Kga? ��������   
<WO$����w�h�w�����"L]U<����#��������������7hwb/f������ for empty output  
create     0       0/0           0 ^Z?��������������
tarExtract: ���������� .,������������Kga? ��������        
tarExtract: ���/<=*������������ 1EH8������������!������������!9C5������
tarExtract: ����������������������#23*��������
tarExtract:  ��/!: checksum error at
tarExtract: Unable to open 
.,������������Kga? ��������      
<WO$����w�h�w�����"L]U<����#��������������7hwb/attrib for writingBotch, no 
matches on 
.,������������Kga? ��������      
(44e2df9ae6aa35cc173f1a226e4514d9)Done: 35 errors, 58 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 
32768 sizeExistComp, 41775 filesTotal, 39781680842 sizeTotal
Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share E)
Backup aborted (No files dumped for share E)
Saving this as a partial backup, replacing the prior one (got 11 and 0 files 
versus 0)

Of course the entire drive was not backed up and when looking at the partial 
backup, there are folders with a random string of characters that include the 
"diamond with the question mark in the middle" I am currently running a full 
backup again as I have added some exclusions to the settings which I forgot to 
do before starting the backup. I have no idea what any of this means and a 
google search came up inconclusive.

Thanks for the help.
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