I have been using BackupPC for many years and have posted here many times

Recently, I had an urgent need to replace a botched OS upgrade BackupPC
machine. Upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04LTS to 18.04LTS did not go well *for me*.
Which was my fault, long story, not here.

So, looking for a quick install solution and I resorted to CentOS and found
the installation of BackupPC to be quite easy. So, I am posting my steps
here. Your mileage may vary.


   Install CentOS 7.6.1810

   Enable EPEL repo

   Install with “yum install yum-plugin-copr”

      Enable with “yum copr enable hobbes1069/BackupPC”

   Follow “*https://www.veritech.net/centos-7-backuppc-installation-guide/*

      Until you “*restart services*”, *just before* “*Then add your ssh key
      . . .*”

   I had to modify the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

      Find and change “User apache” to “User backuppc”

   Now, go back to the article and continue at “*Then add your ssh key . .

I will add that for years I have been looking for a simple solution to
installing BackupPC version 4 and always found installation to be a bit of
a challenge.

I am not condemning any of the other solutions out there. This is just the
simplest solution I have found to date and wanted to share it here for
others in urgent need, like I was.

Finally, thanks to the people of Veritech for the above mentioned article.

I hope this helps someone in need.

Thank you.

Bob Wooden
BackupPC-users mailing list
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