Hi guys... I just ran into an interesting situation. I was looking for
some files from my backup, and noticed that nothing had been backed up
in my home directory since late 2017.

Upon investigation, it looks like the Fedora packages started adding
"--one-file-system" by default in the "RsyncArgs", which excludes my
"/home" directory! My bad -- I merged in the upstream changes without
thinking deeply about the ramifications of each change. Thankfully
I've not needed these backups but, scary!

Mistakes like this happen and it got me to thinking about ways to
prevent this kind of thing in the future. What mechanisms are people
using today to avoid this?

If a feature to prevent this were to be added in BackupPC, I was
thinking possibly something like "canary files" -- such files would be
known "canaries" that if they were present in a prior backup, but no
longer present in a new backup, that BackupPC could raise an alert /
send an email. Or, simply add paths to such canary files or
directories in the configuration.


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