Extraordinarily useful!  I’ll give it a spin and see what I can break, er, um, 
fix!  Thanks all!


Greg Harris

On Jan 13, 2020, at 4:42 AM, Daniel Berteaud 
<dan...@firewall-services.com<mailto:dan...@firewall-services.com>> wrote:

----- Le 12 Jan 20, à 0:14, Michael Stowe 
<michael.st...@member.mensa.org<mailto:michael.st...@member.mensa.org>> a écrit 

On 2020-01-09 12:23, Greg Harris wrote:

Anyone tried enabling the in-built Win10 SSH server and then using straight 
rsync, not rsyncd, with cygwin-rsync client?

Additionally, and maybe I should create a separate thread, but does the 
cygwin-rsync client that's bundled on the GitHub page use the shadow volume?  I 
can't see anywhere that it discusses this, nor find any forum posts.  However, 
this forum post says there are at least two solutions for doing shadow copies 
with rsync:


Yet, searching around, I've only been able to find:


Thoughts?  Ideas?  Tomatoes?


Greg Harris

It has been a while since I tried it, but last time I did, I had trouble with 
permissions (i.e., there were many files that it simply did not allow reading) 
and with shadow volumes -- there's a bit of a Catch-22 where the shadow volume 
is unusable unless it's created before the ssh service is started, which kind 
of defeats the point of using it to control the shadow volume.

To work with transient shadow volume, I created a simple rsync wrapper. It uses 
Michael Stowe scripts (https://www.michaelstowe.com/backuppc/ with some slight 
modifications). I'm not using it with the native Win10 SSH Server, but with 
OpenSSH port (https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH)
So yes, I use straight rsync over ssh to backup Windows hosts, with VSS 
support. The wrapper script makes it simple to use, with any pre/post backup 
action, and without the hassle of persistent shadow management.

My script is 




Daniel Berteaud
FIREWALL-SERVICES SAS, La sécurité des réseaux
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Tél : +33.5 56 64 15 32
Matrix: @dani:fws.fr<http://fws.fr/>

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