I found some of the missing v4 pool files (mentioned in an earlier
post) in a full-disk backup of my old v3 setup.

I would like to add them back to the v4 pool to eliminate the missing
pool file messages and thus fix my backups.

I can think of several ways:

- Method A.
  1. Create a script to first BackupPC_zcat each recovered old v3 pool
     file into a new file named by its uncompressed md5sum and then move
     it appropriately into the v4 cpool 2-layer directory heirarchy.

  2. Run BackupPC_nightly assuming that it will clean up the cpool ref
     counts to coincide with the now correct pc-branch ref count

- Method B
  1. BackupPC_zcat the recovered files from the v3 pool into a new
     directory. Naming of the files is immaterial.
  2. Create a new temporary host and use that to backup the folder
  3. *Manually* delete the host by deleting the entire host folder
  4. Run BackupPC_nightly to correct the ref counts (assuming needed)

- Method C
  1. Use some native code or routines that Craig may already have
     written that do most or all of the above

Any thoughts on which of these work and which way is preferable?


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