
 i try to compile the backuppc4.4 as there is no package to migrate from 
backuppc of the debian.

 I compiled and installed successfully XS, rsync on my ubuntu 20.04 but the 
backuppc part fail when i try to start the service:

[backuppc:~]$ /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC
No language setting
BackupPC::Lib->new failed

i reinstalled all the 3 at zero but still cannot make it work. Any idea on how 
to debug this issue ?

I used the debian configure:

perl ./configure.pl --batch --no-fhs --hostname $HOSTNAME --uid-ignore \
        --install-dir /usr/share/backuppc \
        --run-dir /var/run/backuppc \
        --log-dir /var/log/backuppc \
        --data-dir /var/lib/backuppc --cgi-dir /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin \
        --html-dir /usr/share/backuppc/image --html-dir-url /backuppc/image \
        --bin-path perl=/usr/bin/perl --bin-path tar=/bin/tar \
        --bin-path smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient \
        --bin-path nmblookup=/usr/bin/nmblookup \
        --bin-path rsync=/usr/bin/rsync --bin-path ping=/bin/ping \
        --bin-path df=/bin/df --bin-path ssh=/usr/bin/ssh \
        --bin-path sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail \
        --bin-path hostname=/bin/hostname --bin-path split=/usr/bin/split \
        --bin-path par2=/usr/bin/par2 --bin-path cat=/bin/cat \
        --bin-path gzip=/bin/gzip --bin-path bzip2=/bin/bzip2 --scgi-port 3000;

 Any idea on how to debug the issue ?


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