On 10/12/20 10:16 AM, Guillermo Rozas wrote:
> You could also useĀ $Conf{BlackoutPeriods) to shift the backups to the early 
> morning. This would also prevent the backup time eventually shifting to 
> daytime again if the client is sometime not available at the 3am.

thx. that certainly works as well ...

however that mods the prefs file persistently; can be UN-done, of course.

and, iiuc, BlackoutPeriods prevent any/all backups during their range, correct?

I _do_ want to have backups _available_ -- i.e., _not_ blacked out at any time 
-- so they can run if/as needed.

Good reminder re the 'risk' of eventual time-shift back ... I simply wanted to 
shift the _preference_ to a user-selected time, and will deal with it as it 

The stop/dequeue approach fits for now.


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