Hi there,

On Tue, 1 Dec 2020, backuppc-users-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:

How big can backuppc reasonably scale?

You can scale it yourself as has already been suggested, but I don't
think you'd have any problems with a single backup server and the data
volumes you've described if you were sensible about the configuration,
which is very flexible.  However...

... daily backup volume is running around 750 GB per day, with two
database servers providing the majority of that volume (400 GB/day
from one and 150 GB/day from the other).

That's the part which bothers me.  I'm not sure that BackupPC's ways
of checking for changed files marry well with database files.  In a
typical relational database server you'll have some *big* files which
are modified by more or less random accesses.  They will *always* be
changed from the last backup.  The backup of virtual machines is not
dissimilar at the level of the partition image.  You need to stop the
machine to get a consistent backup, or use something like a snapshot.

Normally I do some sort of separate database dump for database files,
and run that system separately from run-of-the-mill Linux/Windows box
server/workstation backups.  After all, I usually just want a single
good backup of any database.  Having several copies, aged at one day,
one week, two weeks, a month etc. would usually be of no use to me.

... I have no idea what to expect the backup server to need in the
way of processing power.

Modest.  I've backed up dozens of Windows workstations and five or six
servers with just a 1.4GHz Celeron which was kicking around after it
was retired from the sales office.  The biggest CPU hog is likely to
be data compression, which you can tune.  Walking directory trees can
cause rsync to use quite a lot of memory.  You might want to look at
something like Icinga/Nagios to keep an eye on things.



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