The latest new beast to be added to my backup zoo is a synology NAS device.  It is being uncooperative, and the only error message it provides is

rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [Receiver=]

which is rather less than helpful.

Online searches have turned up all kinds of suggestions that "error in rsync protocol data stream" means your ssh keys aren't in order or there are network problems or what not, but none of those have proven helpful, as we are quite certain that passwordless ssh and 'sudo rsync' are both working correctly when used manually.

Looking through auth.log on the synology, we've found the entry

2021-03-22T11:00:01+01:00 hacluster01 sudo: backuppc : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/volume1/homes/backuppc ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -lHogDtpre.iLsfxC -B2048 --timeout=72000 --numeric-ids . /

so, based on that, I tried going to the bpc server and (as the bpc user) running

ssh hacluster01 nice sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -lHogDtpre.iLsfxC -B2048 --timeout=72000 --numeric-ids . /

...and that gives no error messages when I run it manually.  It doesn't actually *do* anything (it just sits there until I hit ctrl-C), but it does not produce an "rsync protocol data stream" error.

However, corresponding to the auth.log entry above, there's also a simultaneous entry in /var/log/messages:

2021-03-22T11:00:01+01:00 hacluster01 rsync: User uid (0) is disabled.

which certainly seems likely to be relevant, but, again, that doesn't cause any error when running 'sudo rsync' manually, either locally or over ssh from the bpc server.

Does anyone know offhand what the solution to this would be? Failing that, any tips on how to proceed further with debugging this?  Is there some way to get bpc to log every command that it runs, so that I can try to reproduce the sequence manually?

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