I've been using BackupPC V3 for 12 years now and have set up V4 on a new install of Rocky linux 8.4. I'm running test backups of a client via ssh and I'm getting partial backups with the backup failing after a few seconds.

I figured out the issue once I read the xfer log more carefully. The new CGI interface does not read the V3 config files the same way in V4 and is ignoring a portion of the client command. The portion in bold below was not executed.

The config.pl and client.pl are based on the V3 versions.

Client command:
$Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -l backuppc *$host nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sudo* $rsyncPath $argList+';

I will have to edit the client PC script in the CGI to fix it.

The CGI is configured based on mod_perl.

Jim Kelly-Rand

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