I'm using a docker image of BackupPC 4.4 which has smbclient 4.14. My backups 
have been SMB failing on a Win 10 client and I'm trying to figure out why.

My command line is:

/usr/bin/smbclient \\\\MACHINE\\Documents -U USER%PASSWORD -E -d 5 -c tarmode\ 
full\ nosystem\ nohidden -mSMB2 -TcX - '*My*'

The result I get is:

tar:716  do_list fail NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
tar:633  tar_process done, err = 1

In the increased debugging log, I see:

tar:923  +++ \Fax\Inbox
tar:976  get_file skip dir \Fax\Inbox
NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \My Pictures\*
NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \My Videos\*
dos_clean_name [\OneNote Notebooks\.]
unix_clean_name [\OneNote Notebooks\.]

When I list the share, I can see those directories are hidden and are likely 
legacy junctions:

  My Music                        DHSrn        0  Sun Mar 21 07:05:29 2021
  My Pictures                     DHSrn        0  Sun Mar 21 07:05:29 2021
  My Videos                       DHSrn        0  Sun Mar 21 07:05:29 2021

As you can see in my command line, I've attached to disable system and hidden 
files and even excluded anything with My in it. None of this seems to work.

I'm not a developer but have been around code for a while so I tried to look at 
the smbclient source code. I can see here in 
 line 716 the error. This comes from the do_list() function which passes the 
get_file_callback function. In that function I see that it should be attempting 
to exclude system and hidden files but my guess is the listing is the problem 
before it even calls in the callback in 

Is there something else I can do to exclude these files?



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