I don't think its anything intrinsic to the RPi 4.  I have RPi 4 with Raspbian Buster running a Nextcloud server backing up onto Backuppc normally, but I'm only backing up the data files.

On 04/01/2022 03:53, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:
Gregory P. Ennis wrote at about 21:02:14 -0600 on Monday, January 3, 2022:
  > I also am trying to backup a RaspberryPi4 that keeps hanging an stopping at 
  > directory /run .  BackupPC does not error out and I have not found any log
  > entries of concern.  It just pauses at /run and stays at that point until I
  > either reboot or restart backuppc.

Why are you backing up /run?
The entries are volatile and are cleared on reboot so you should
exclude them.

  > BackupPC does allows me to stop the process but it does not stop the 
  > the Stop/Dequeue Backup tab is depressed when it is clicked but
  > nothing happens

Sometimes it can take a while to stop/dequeue if the transport method
(e.g. rsync) is stuck.

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