Thanks for the comments.
I really use this "by exception" i.e. when I am traveling and it seems
to work just fine.
I think the real alternative would be to use a vanilla vpn and inherit
the advantages of that...

robin hammond wrote at about 13:07:18 -0500 on Sunday, January 16, 2022:
 > Cheers!
 > Every arrow in our quivers is helpful, but do beware of using SSH 
 > tunnels for intensive TCP traffic. You're wrapping TCP in TCP. So it 
 > might solve some problems really nicely, but may fail in strange ways 
 > for…reasons.
 > To understand why you might care, remember that TCP brings flow control 
 > to the table. And if you have two layers of flow control regulating one 
 > flow, you might have an interesting time once the inner flow (rsync) 
 > gets throttled by the outer flow (ssh) and inner flows thinks it's 
 > saturated the link - then backs off too aggressively. If you're 
 > equipment suffers from buffer bloat so much the worse.
 > If using a trivial percentage of the totally-not-at-all-saturated links, 
 > then it doesn't become noticeable. EG a slow disk over a gigbit.
 > If you're looking for simple, and don't mind SSL, but without strong 
 > key-management (because SSH didn't have it anyway), then - 
 > it prefers UDP, resorts to TCP, but doesn't GRE at all.
 > With that caveat aside, it's very helpful to see examples like this.
 > On 15/01/2022 20.21, wrote:
 > > When I travel for pleasure or business, my laptop (and Android phone)
 > > are no longer on my local network, so BackupPC no longer is able to
 > > see the devices and back them up.
 > >
 > > One could use a VPN, but alternatively, I wrote some perl code that
 > > can be inserted into the corresponding <host>.pl to backup
 > > over an SSH tunnel on port <tunnel port>  if the file
 > > '.sshtunnel-<tunnelport>' exists in the corresponding
 > > $TopDir/pc/<host> directory.
 > >
 > > See the following code (and embedded notes).
 > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > > my $jhost = $_[1]; #Note: $_[1] is the name of the file (as sourced by 
 > > 'do')
 > > my $SshUser = 'root';
 > > my $SshPort = 22; #Port for sshd server on the remote machine (typically 
 > > 22, or 2222 if non-priveleged)
 > >
 > > $Conf{PingMaxMsec} = 400; #Necessary because otherwise get pings too slow
 > >
 > > #Backup over SSH tunnel to allow backup of devices when they are not on 
 > > local network...
 > > #Touch: TopDir/pc/<host>/.sshtunnel-<tunnelport> to enable backup over SSH 
 > > tunnel using port <tunnelport> (remember to DELETE when done!)
 > > my ($TunnelPort) = map {/\.sshtunnel-([0-9]+)$/ ? $1 : (); } 
 > > </var/lib/backuppc/pc/$jhost/.*>;
 > > if(defined $TunnelPort) { #If file containing TunnelPort exists in top 
 > > level host directory, then use it
 > >      #Rsync to localhost over SshPort = <tunnelport>
 > >      $SshPort = $TunnelPort;
 > >      $Conf{ClientNameAlias} = 'localhost';
 > >
 > >      #For backing-up/restoring remote host over port forwarded-reverse SSH 
 > > tunnel
 > >      #using <tunnelport> (e.g., when using over USB or remote internet)
 > >      # <BackupPC server>:<tunnelport> -> <remote host>:<Orig SshPort>
 > >      #From the remote host, ssh to BackupPC server using:
 > >      #   -R <tunnelport>:localhost:<Orig SshPort>
 > >      #E.g.,   ssh  -R <tunnelport>:localhost:22 -p 2222 <user>@<BackupPC 
 > > server>
 > >      #Note: My windoze PuTTY app and android 'connectbot' app is 
 > > configured to  automatically includes this port forward
 > >      #Alternatively, On BackupPC servers, ssh to remote host using:
 > >      #   -L <tunnelport>:localhost:<Orig SshPort>
 > >      #E.g.,   ssh -L <tunnelport>:localhost:22 -p <Orig SshPort> 
 > > <SshUser>@<remote host>
 > >      
 > >      #If you want to backup on server2 via server1, then you need to 
 > > create a double port forward
 > >      #     server2:<tunnelport> -> server1:<tunnelport> -> <remote 
 > > host>:<Orig SshPort>
 > >      # From, the remote host, use a proxy Jump:
 > >      #   ssh -R <tunnelport>:localhost:22 -J <user1>@server1:2222 
 > > <user2>@server2
 > >      # Alternatively, first create one of the first port forwards to 
 > > connect 'server1' and the remote host.
 > >      # Then create an aiddiontal port forward to connect 'server2' and 
 > > 'server1'
 > >      # Either, ssh from server1 to server2 as follows:
 > >      #     ssh -R <tunnelport>:localhost:<tunnelport> server2
 > >      #Or ssh from server2 to machine1 as follows:
 > >      #     sudo -u backuppc ssh -L <tunnelport>:localhost:<tunnelport> -l 
 > > backuppc-client machine1
 > >      #Then you can log into the remote host from machine2 using:
 > >      #     sudo -u backuppc ssh -p <tunnelport> <remoteUser>@localhost -o 
 > > UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
 > >      #Note Start from machine1, combine creating the machine1-machine2 
 > > port with login from machine2 to remote host:
 > >      #     ssh -t -R <tunnelport>:localhost:<tunnelport> machine2 "sudo -u 
 > > backuppc ssh -l backuppc-client -p <tunnelport> localhost -o 
 > > UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
 > >
 > >      #Alternative ping command - ssh to remote client over $SshPort = 
 > > <tunnelport> and ping itself (i.e. ping localhost)
 > >      #Linux/Android ping: 'ping -c 1'
 > >      $Conf{PingCmd} = "$Conf{SshPath} -q -x -p $SshPort -l $SshUser -o 
 > > UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no localhost ping -c 
 > > 1 localhost";
 > >      #Windows Cygwin ping: 'ping -n 1'
 > > #    $Conf{PingCmd} = "$Conf{SshPath} -q -x -p $SshPort -l $SshUser -o 
 > > UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no localhost ping -n 
 > > 1 localhost";
 > >      #Note above needs double quotes since $sshPath for PingCmd is not set 
 > > at runtime
 > >      #Note: add options to ignore known_hosts and turn off 
 > > StrictHostKeyChecking since already running over a known ssh channel
 > >      #      PLUS the known_hosts and keys will need to be added for every 
 > > new <tunnelport> used causing backuppc to wait and fail.
 > >      }
 > >
 > > $Conf{RsyncSshArgs} = ['-e', "$Conf{SshPath} -p $SshPort -l $SshUser"]; 
 > > #SshPort is typically 22 (or 2222 if non-privileged)
 > > $Conf{RsyncSshArgs}->[1] .= " -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o 
 > > StrictHostKeyChecking=no" if $TunnelPort;
 > > #Note above needs double quotes since $sshPath for PingCmd is not set at 
 > > runtime
 > > #Note: add options to ignore known_hosts and turn off 
 > > StrictHostKeyChecking since already running over a known ssh channel
 > > #      PLUS the known_hosts and keys will need to be added for every new 
 > > <tunnelport> used causing backuppc to wait and fail.
 > >
 > >
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