I seem to have encountered the same problem described in this thread
which ends here:

To summarize what I understand from that thread, there's a bug in
File::RsyncP prior to some unidentified version that is exposed by a
change in rsync as of 3.2.3.

I've started running into the above-described issue since I upgraded
one of my hosts to Debian Bullseye, which uses rsync 3.2.3.  That host
hasn't completed a backup since .. they die with "aborted by
signal=ALRM" and their log files are truly massive, with raw backup
data in them at the end.

My backuppc host is still Debian Buster which has File::RsyncP 0.74.

The thread above mentions that File::RsyncP is fixed in a recent
version, but doesn't indicate what version that is.  I'm trying to
identify possible fixes for my issue here... and I'm wondering if
simply upgrading my backup server to Bullseye is going to fix my
problem, or if I should be grabbing libfile-rsyncp-perl and/or
backuppc from backports, or what...

Knowing which version of File::RsyncP fixes the issue would be a big
help.  Does anyone know that with certainty?

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