Hi there,

On Fri, 3 Jun 2022, Bruno Rogerio Fernandes wrote:

... about 15TB of data ...  planning to migrate to backuppc V4 ...
backup is done every day through an Internet connection and would be
pretty dangerous waiting for many weeks to do a first full backup
(wait for transfers to complete through Internet - about 100Mbps
client uplink speed).

Without more information about your data it's hard to be sure, but I'm
not convinced you've yet made the case for employing BackupPC.  In any
case I make it only about two weeks to transfer your 15TBytes of data
at 100MBit/s, even if it's uncompressed.

Is there nothing useful to be gained by compressing the data?

... I don't have enough space to accommodate two backups ...

Buy more space.   Compared with most data, it's very cheap.

So, I'm wondering, is it ok to seed the backuppc pool manually? ...
If I ... could ... backuppc won't transfer this file over Internet,
so solving my issues.
Are there any other things that I'm missing? Is it ok to do that?

Don't do it.  You will almost certainly create issues which few here
will be able to help you with.  It could easily then take longer than
two weeks to sort out the resulting mess.  Why not just start the new
backup now?

If you value your data more than the cost of more storage, you have no
excuse for not buying more storage.  It sounds to me like you already
don't have enough, because most people who are serious about backups
will have a minimum of three copies of the data - often kept at three
different locations on the planet.  Until a few months ago I wasn't so
worried about the planet, but it's probably worth bearing in mind that
it's the only one we have.



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