Hi there,
On Tue, 31 Oct 2023, Ghislain Adnet wrote:
?i was wondering if there was any way to restore from the command
line. I need to restore all /home/ daily to another server
?I was trying to use
?but there is no docs and it fails for me as i try various things like
[~]: sudo -u backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_restore
myclientserver.com? /etc/vim/vimrc
/usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_restore: bad reqFileName (arg #3):
usage: /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_restore [-p] [-v] [-m] <hostIP> <client>
any idea if this is possible ?
I'm sure it's possible, but not like that. :(
If I look at the code in BackupPC_restore (it's at line 72 in my
version but that's from 2020, yours may be different) I see
if ( $ARGV[2] !~ /^([\w.]+)$/ ) {
print("$0: bad reqFileName (arg #3): $ARGV[2]\n");
This tells me that you can't have anything other than a "word character"
or a dot in the third argument. The '/' character isn't allowed.
$ perl -e '$word = "hello"; if( $word =~ /^([\w\.]+)$/ ) { print "matches\n"; } else {
print "does not match\n"; }'
$ perl -e '$word = "hello.world"; if( $word =~ /^([\w\.]+)$/ ) { print "matches\n"; }
else { print "does not match\n"; }'
$ perl -e '$word = "hello/world"; if( $word =~ /^([\w\.]+)$/ ) { print "matches\n"; }
else { print "does not match\n"; }'
does not match
I suspect you might find an answer more to your liking in the mailing
list archives.
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