On 2024-01-27 10:16, Stephen Blackwell wrote:

Well, this is where I'm a bit confused. Who is the "backup user"?
The NAS has one user called steve. If I ssh into the NAS and enter the docker that Backuppc is running in, that has one user called backuppc. There is no user called backuppc on the Windows box but there is a user steve. I can ssh into the windows box from inside the docker but it did ask for a password.
So I think the answer to your question is "No"

If I look at the /home/backuppc/.ssh/known_hosts file inside the docker I see that there is an entry for my Windows box (called new_asus_laptop). In fact there are 2 which could be this issue?
The first looks like:
new_asus_laptop ssh-ed25519 <hash>
and the second looks like:
ssh-rsa <hash> steve@new_asus_laptop

Here's your problem, then.

Starting from the backuppc user within the docker environment, you'll need to be able to execute the commands in your config file without a password. Check your config file for the defaults, which are generally "root", if I recall correctly, not "steve." So you have a choice of updating the commands to match your Windows user or just setting up a root user, which I find better in a number of ways, partly because whatever user it is will need access to whatever files you need to back up, which is a matter of both permissions and semantics. The latter is really only resolvable on Windows using shadow copies, which means your preusercmd and postusercmd would also need to be able to log in and set that up, and it's a lot simpler and easier if you just use the same user.

You may just use some of the scripts, configs, etc., already built for this purpose, but if you want to learn by rolling your own from scratch, don't let me dissuade you.
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