Hi there,

On Thu, 22 Feb 2024, gregrwm wrote:

BackupPC4 currently shows as unresolvable for tumbleweed on
something about having choices for sendmail and openssl.

is there hope?

I'm sure there is.  For example I've seen Debian systems where what
appears to be Sendmail isn't actually Sendmail.  That is, you can cheat. :)

(i never have been particularly interested in it sending mail.

There can be occasions when getting a mail from BackupPC might be
important for the integrity of your backups, but it's your call.

or the gui.

Even though I'm generally not a fan of GUIs I find the BackupPC GUI
very useful, mainy for

(1) a quick daily check on the hosts page that all my machines are up
(2) an occasional check on the status page that the pool hasn't done
    anything odd and
(3) occasional file/directory recoveries either to see that the thing
    is still working, or to replace something accidentally deleted. :/

i love it for using rsync, for the intelligently shared and
compressed pool, and clever expiry.)

All agreed.

I see that Sendmail isn't listed as a requirement:


and that if you give the '-t' option to BackupPC_sendEmail it will
print the email insetad of sending it.  Presumably you could get it
to print to /dev/null if you *really* will never want to see it.





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