
There were a few typos in the source creating bugs until recently. I don't 
remember if it was fixed in 1.36.2 or 1.36.3.  To get help on making console 
ACLs work, you will need to ask the bacula-users list.

On Tuesday 12 April 2005 18:49, Dmitry Sivachenko wrote:
> Hello!
> Sorry for writing to you directly, but some time ago I posted the following
> message to both bacula-devel list and bacula-users lists and got no
> response.
> Could you please glance at my problem since I have no ideas other than this
> is a bug which prevents us to restore files...
> Thank you very much!
> ----- Forwarded message from Dmitry Sivachenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> From: Dmitry Sivachenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 14:46:43 +0400
> Subject: Problem with *ACL and restore
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i
> Hello!
> I am running bacula-1.36.2.  I wish to backup several machines and setup
> ACLs so that each machine can restore only it's own files (and ideally
> cannot even get an information about what other machines are served by this
> bacula server).
> Server is running on machine named m0.  Clients are m0 (server itself), m4
> and m5 at this time.  I have a single Storage named File, a
> single Pool named RAIDPool and a single Catalog named MyCatalog.
> Clients are named m0-fd, m4-fd and m5-fd.  Their FileSets are m0-FileSet,
> m4-FileSet and m5-FileSet and Backup jobs are m0-Job, m4-Job and m5-Job.
> Below is the relevant excerpts from bacula-dir.conf:
> Job {
>   Name = "RestoreFiles"
>   Type = Restore
>   Storage = File
>   Pool = RAIDPool
>   Client = m0-fd
>   FileSet = m0-FileSet
>   Messages = Standard
>   Where = /tmp/bacula-restores
> }
> Console {
>   Name = m4
>   Password = "ValidPass"
>   JobACL = m4-Job, RestoreFiles
>   ClientACL = m4-fd
>   StorageACL = *all*
>   ScheduleACL = *all*
>   PoolACL = *all*
>   FileSetACL = m4-FileSet
>   CatalogACL = *all*
>   CommandACL = help, restore, run
> }
> Now please take a look at my restore session I have problems with:
> m4# bconsole
> Connecting to Director m0:9101
> 1000 OK: m0-dir Version: 1.36.2 (28 February 2005)
> Enter a period to cancel a command.
> *restore
> Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
> First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
> to be restored. You will be presented several methods
> of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
> select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.
> To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
>      1: List last 20 Jobs run
>      2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
>      3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
>      4: Enter SQL list command
>      5: Select the most recent backup for a client
>      6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
>      7: Enter a list of files to restore
>      8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
>      9: Cancel
> Select item:  (1-9): 5
> Automatically selected Client: m4-fd
> Automatically selected FileSet: m4-FileSet
> ---------COMMENT------------
> Here bacula correctly selected the only allowed FileSet for this
> client -- m4-FileSet.  Let's go on...
> ---------COMMENT------------
> +-------+-------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+
>----- ---------+----------------+
> | JobId | Level | JobFiles | StartTime           | VolumeName | StartFile |
> | VolS
> essionId | VolSessionTime |
> +-------+-------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+
>----- ---------+----------------+
> | 31    | F     | 105210   | 2005-04-07 01:27:18 | raid-0041  | 0         |
> | 3
> |
>          | 1112797662     |
> +-------+-------+----------+---------------------+------------+-----------+
>----- ---------+----------------+
> You have selected the following JobId: 31
> No authorization. Job "" not selected.
> Building directory tree for JobId 31 ... 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++
> 1 Job, 98,730 files inserted into the tree.
> You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
> remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
> you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
> Enter "done" to leave this mode.
> cwd is: /
> $ cd /var/log
> cwd is: /var/log/
> $ mark messages
> 1 files marked.
> $ done
> Bootstrap records written to /raid/bacula/restore.bsr
> The job will require the following Volumes:
>    raid-0041
> 1 file selected to be restored.
> No authorization. FileSet "m0-FileSet".
> You have messages.
> *
> Here server complains about nonauthorized FileSet for that client
> m0-FileSet. It was taken from RestoreJob definition (see above).  Why?  Is
> it a bug? How can I force bacula to use m4-FileSet which it already picked
> up?
> Thanks in advance!
> PS: I am more that willing to provide additional info if needed.
> ----- End forwarded message -----

Best regards,



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