On 17 Jun 2005 at 14:18, Juan Luis Frances wrote:

> Hello Dan,
> > Will there be different SQL for each supported database?
> Yes. One example: 
> if ( $dbSql->driver == "pgsql")
>                 $query = "";

OK, what about something like this.  Set up all your SQL in one 

$queries[STUFF_FROM_TABLE1][POSTGRESQL] = 'select...';
$queries[STUFF_FROM_TABLE1][MYSQL] = 'select...';

Then, when you need a query, it's like this:


But, hat doesn't work very well if you have parameters....

Hmmm, we could use a sprintf for parmeters.  For example:

$format = "There are %d monkeys in the %s";
printf($format, $num, $location);

So the code becomes:

$query = sprintf($query, $parameter1, $parameter2);

Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/
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