On 19 Jun 2005 at 11:01, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> On Saturday 18 June 2005 22:46, Dan Langille wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I pretty much have bacula-web working using PostgreSQL.  You can see
> > what I have at http://www.langille.org/tmp/bacula-web/
> >
> > Included there are screen shots and the diff.  Please compare my
> > screen shots with what you see on your MySQL websites and point out
> > anything that is missing.  Perhaps I've not tried a link or a window
> > somewhere.
> >
> > Most of the problems have been:
> >
> > - SQL specific to MySQL (e.g. functions names).  That said, the SQL
> > now in use is not standard either (e.g. INTERVAL is not standard
> > AFAIK).
> >
> > - case specific columns.  The column names returned by MySQL and
> > PostgreSQL differ.  The result is that $row['JobId'] is not the same
> > as $row['jobid'].
> Is this last point something that can be fixed by changing the table
> creation in PostgreSQL to use upper and lower case table names and row
> names as we do in MySQL?

That can be done, but I advise against it.  We don't do that for 
Bacula proper.  If you use mixed case, and want it preserved, you 
must always use it:

test=# create table "Testing" (ColOne int, "ColTwo" int);
test=# \dt
              List of relations
 Schema |        Name        | Type  | Owner
 public | Testing            | table | dan
 public | activity           | table | dan
 public | eric               | table | dan
 public | filename           | table | dan
 public | test               | table | dan
 public | watch_list_element | table | dan
(6 rows)

test=# select * from testing;
ERROR:  relation "testing" does not exist
test=# select * from Testing;
ERROR:  relation "testing" does not exist
test=# select * from "Testing";
 colone | ColTwo
(0 rows)

test=# select colone from "Testing";
(0 rows)

test=# select coltwo from "Testing";
ERROR:  column "coltwo" does not exist
test=# select ColTwo from "Testing";
ERROR:  column "coltwo" does not exist
test=# select "ColTwo" from "Testing";
(0 rows)


> Doing so would certainly make the output look a lot more asthetic both
> in bacula-web and in Bacula output. 

Why do you think that would improve the output?

Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/
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