On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 08:22 +0200, Stephan Holl wrote:
> I am doing exactly what you are trying to achieve. One thought I was
> struggeling when using an ssh-tunnel.
> I had to redirect the output of the ssh-command to /dev/null
> (> /dev/null) in order to make the RunBeforeJob-directive work properly.
> Perhaps this is your problem as well?!

Could be.  I'll give it a whirl.  For now I have cron opening the tunnel
before the backups will start and then a Run After Job will close the
tunnel down.  Hackish but it works.

> I also needed to make sure that the user which running bacula (bacula,
> on Suse8.0) has the ability to open an ssh-tunnel and vis versa. I
> did that by creating ssh-keys for the user bacula and copied them to
> the remote machine.
> For a more verbose output you can add -v to the ssh-command
> inside the script.

On my system, bacula is running as Root.  I know, possible security
flaw, I'll cross that bridge at a later time.  So root is more than
capable of opening the tunnel.

Jesse Keating
GameHouse -- Systems Engineer

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