On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 13:41 +0200, Arne Kloecker wrote:
> as i read the manual Bacula (at the moment) does not provide a concept for 
> storage pools. 

I think that is correct.  Volume pools are, and volumes in a pool can
come from just about any storage server.

> Is there any workaround so that i can have several storage devices (PC/Linux 
> servers with 5terabyte diskspace in my case), WITHOUT the need to balance the 
> clients onto the storage devices by myself?

Well, this is where I think you mean there is no support.  When dealing
with backups, you have to specify a backup device as well as a pool to
backup to.  A pool could have volumes from many different backup
devices, but you can't just specify a pool to pull an available volume
from, unless _I_ missed something in the reading.

> If there is no workaround, does anyone know how much work it would be to 
> implement such a feature?

At this time I think you manually have to assign each server to a
specific storage device.  They can all be part of the same pool but
thats about it.  I'm not sure what it would take to randomize a list of
storage devices within a pool.

Jesse Keating
GameHouse -- Systems Engineer

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