On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 20:20 +0100, Martin Simmons wrote:
> Probably -- Run After Job certainly runs after Bacula's normal job termination
> code.  I've never tried %v though.

I just tried this and it works a treat.

28-Jul 15:31 dragul: RunAfter: Connecting to Director
28-Jul 15:31 dragul: RunAfter: 1000 OK: dragul Version: 1.36.3 (22 April 2005)
28-Jul 15:31 dragul: RunAfter: Enter a period to cancel a command.
28-Jul 15:31 dragul: RunAfter: update media volume=BNR630 volstatus=FullUsing 
default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
28-Jul 15:31 dragul: RunAfter: New Volume status is: Full
28-Jul 15:31 dragul: RunAfter: You have messages.
28-Jul 15:31 dragul: RunAfter: Volume BNR630 was marked as full.

Looks like this will do exactly what I need it to do, thanks for the

I created the script in Python, just because I need to continue to grow
my python skills.  It just takes an argument (%v) and uses this value in
a string it passes to a pipe it opens to bconsole.
Jesse Keating
GameHouse -- Systems Engineer

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