
for a daily rotation I think that you may not lower the volume retention
but limit the "volume use duration" to force bacula to use another tape
every day.
For example on my daily rotation I use : Volume Use Duration = 19 h
And also Recycle Current Volume = yes;  so if the volume in the taper
could be reused ('recycled' according to the time retention).
You can also use Accept Any Volume = yes; to force the reuse of the
actual volume.


Gabriele Bulfon wrote:

> Hello,
> I am having a lot of trouble with my bacula configuration.
> - I have one LTO device with 1 manual tape.
> - I labeled 6 tapes for MON,TUE,WEN,THU,FRY,SAT. So I have 6 volumes
> with one tape each.
> - I used the sample configuration with Pools assiging one volume per day.
> - I lowered the volume retention to just 10 hours per volume.
> - I assigned the max number of jobs to the number of jobs I run
> nightly, so to have all the jobs on each volume each day.
> - I used the Max Start Delay flag to let bacula cancel any job that is
> in late.
> Then if the user insert the wrong tape for one day, bacula never
> cancel the job, and continue to ask for another volume, until I cancel
> the job by hands. Why?
> Also, when something wrong happens, so that a tape have less jobs
> backed up than the max number of jobs, next time the volume will be in
> append mode, messing all the original idea (even though I have a low
> volume retention, that should tell bacula to recycle every day).
> What am I missing?!
> <http://www.sonicle.com>
> Gabriele Bulfon - Sonicle S.r.l.
> Tel +39 028246016 Int. 30 - Fax +39 028243880
> Via Felice Cavallotti 16 - 20089, Rozzano - Milano - ITALY
> http://www.sonicle.com

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