On Friday 14 October 2005 10:35, Daniel Holtkamp wrote:
> Hi !
> I`m testing out baculas baremetal recovery capabilities. Now i read the
> documentation and now i`m a little frightened by what i just read ...
> I`m getting the impression that i have to compile bacula on the system i
> want to restore which is quite a problem for us. We have 4
> "compile-systems" - one for each OS release (RH9, RHEL2.1, RHEL3, RHEL4)
> which we use to compile the packages for all of our other systems. None
> of the other systems is able to compile anything as there are no
> development tools installed.
> Any experiences with this ? Setting up a rescue cd for a system that is
> unable to compile ?

Well, you don't have to compile Bacula on the system that you want to restore, 
but the current scripts that build the rescue CD assume that you want to 
compile and build a static FD to put on the rescue CDROM.  

To accomplish what you want, you may need to do a little hand tweaking of the 
whole process.

If instead of doing a:


in the rescue/linux/cdrom directory, you can try doing a:

   make copy-static-fd

and in this case, the make file will assume that you have Bacula installed on 
your system in the sbindir  (which is ususally /usr/local/sbin) and will copy 
it from there rather than trying to build it from source.   You should be 
able to change sbindir with a --sbindir=xxx on the ./configure  command line.

This option is there for these kinds of situations, but since very few people 
seem to create/use the Bacula rescue disk (I'm sorry for them), I haven't put 
much time or energy into it.

If you don't want *any*  FD build or generated, simply create the file:


then you will be responsible for getting the appropriate binary on your disk 
someplace.  See the README for details.

> I`m trying to build the files by hand as i get the impression that i
> only need the /roottree/bacula-HOSTNAME files for the clients that
> cannot compile (the CD itself will be build on a compile-system with the
> according OS of course). The question is - can i create this directory
> by hand ? (== other means than make all)
> Best regards,

If you understand shell scripting, just look at the Makefile, and it should 
all be quite obvious.  Nearly everything is done by calling a series of shell 
scripts that you can tailor to your own needs.  

Between the README file and the Rescue chapter of the manual, most of this is 
at least briefly outlined.

Best regards,



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