Op vrijdag 14 oktober 2005 20:18, schreef Phil Stracchino:
> > I don't fully get the naming.. Should i manually give all 8 tapes a name,
> > and then add them through bconsole with the same names? But the naming i
> > want them to have is dynamic ( Label Format = "Test-$Day$Month$Year" ),
> > so it'll nag again that i don't have the correct named tape present, and
> > to insert it... :$
> There is no mechanism for automatically deleting and relabelling tapes.
>  I suggest just naming all your tapes once, numerically, and using them
> in rotation.  If you need to restore something, Bacula will tell you
> which tape it needs anyway; the whole point of an automated backup
> system with a catalog database is that it keeps track of things like
> this for you.

Oh, that explains a lot of my worries :d Is there a way to script this? Like 
when somebody inserts a tape, and then starts a shellscript that asks for the 
name, and labels it for him?

Secondly, is it better to have 1 big pool of 7 tapes, each with a 
"Test-$Day$Month$Year" kind of label?, or per dag 1 tape, with correct label 

Will bacula automatically unload the current tape if it has a different label, 
and load the correct one if it's in the same pool? I mean, will it know like 
"ah, tape 2 is currently loaded, but it has a label of "Test-12102005", but i 
need "Test-14102005", which is in slot 5, let's load this one instead to do 
the backup. ? :d

Maybe anybody has experience in making it 
not-really-technical-tape-changer-people-proof? :d

Thanks a lot for the help so far :d

Kind regards,

Bart Verwilst

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