On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 10:19:08AM +0200, Timo Neuvonen wrote:
> Is there any way to disable warning "Filesystem change prohibited", that
> appears in 1.38.x while onefs=yes is in use?

Just to show that needs vary, I wish that there were a way to get a
similar warning when a directory tree is omitted from the backup due
to being listed in a fileset exclude list.

> While this message can be very informational during debugging, I would
> prefer this kind of warnings not to appear in regular production run -now it
> may be more tough to notice "real" warnings that might appear some day.

One problem with making things like this configurable is that it adds
to the already substantial complexity of the configuration files.
Another approach to solving this problem would be to add an email
filtering script that reduces bacula messages to a summary of the job.
For example, here's a little Ruby script that takes a bacula mail
message, produces a three-line summary if the job completed
successfully, or passes the entire report through if an error

The summary:

    Successful backup of "bonzai-fd"
    From 13-Dec-2005 00:38:33 to 13-Dec-2005 00:46:55
    Wrote 7,237 files, 6,548,719,080 (6.548 GB) bytes at 13045.3 KB/s

The script, for your hacking enjoyment:

    #! /usr/bin/ruby -w

    val = {}
    msg = []
    while line = ARGF.gets
      kv = line.split(":", 2)
      val[kv[0].strip] = kv[1].strip if kv.size == 2

    if val["Termination"] != "Backup OK"
      print msg[msg.index("\n")..-1]
      print "Successful backup of ", val['Client'].gsub(/" .*/,'"'), "\n"
      print "From ", val['Start time'], " to ", val['End time'], "\n"
      print "Wrote ", val['FD Files Written'], " files, ", \
           val['FD Bytes Written'], " bytes at ", val['Rate'], "\n"

-- John Kodis.

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