
Just another problem.  What happens:

- director starts a backup job.  The filedaemon is not present correctly,
  so the job is waiting.   That's ok.
- I do cancel the job in the director via console.  
  'status director' shows the job as cancelled.
- I ensure the filedaemon is not running (is started via inetd)
- I ensure all parameters are alright now and do start the SAME job again
  Now, it could work, but...

when I looked at status director, the canceled job is still canceled,
and the new job is 'waiting for max Storage'.  This is the same some 
hours later. 

Then, I looked at status storage, there's a "storage job" waiting for 
the filedaemon to connect.  This "storage job" seems to correspond to
the first, canceled director's job.

I understand, that the director has initiated and then canceled
the first job, but the storage didn't understand the cancel, or just 
hasn't been informed about the cancel by the director.   And, the 
director is blocked by the storage (for this job's client), and is 
unable influence the storage in a way that it cancels the 'storage job" !??

Again, the only solution was to stop/start the storage daemon and 
reconnect the director to it.

Any chance to reload/reset the storage "softly" by the director?

Best regards, 

        Robert Wirth

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