On Sat, Apr 15, 2006 at 12:09:18PM -0400, Francisco Reyes wrote:

> So far I have not found the following on the docs:

I'm far from the expert that several other list members are, but I'll
take a shot at these.

> * Difference between Full, Differential, Incremental in Bacula.
> I know the concepts, what I am interested is how these work in bacula.
> In particular I did a job/mod and changed a full to differental and then 
> did an estimate. The estimate showed a number very close to what the full 
> backup was. Does the estimate only works for full? Out of nearly 3 million 
> files it's hard to imagine that they all changed since a full backup 2 days 
> ago. :)

I'd guess that either you've changed something in your filesystem --
touched most of the files, or changed where a large filesystem is
mounted -- or that Bacula overrode your request.  Even if you specify
an incremental, Bacula will perform a full backup if there's no
suitable full backup found.  This can happen if you change the
fileset, if the last full backup didn't complete or was deleted, or
under a few other circumstances.

> How does bacula determines what has changed? By date/time/md5?
> Running bacula in FreeBSD (client/server)

By timestamp -- mtime, if I recall correctly.  It's the same for
Linux, the BSDs, and any other Unix-like platforms.

> * If I made a change to bacula-dir.conf is there a command to check the 
> syntax is correct? The consultant mentioned that if the syntax is wrong 
> that it may kill the bacula-dir (is that usually referred as the server?)

I've always thought of the server as everything that's not the console
or one of the clients: the director, the storage server, and the
database.  That is, all the stuff needed to service a client.

As for testing your configuration, this is taken directly from the
"Testing your Configuration Files" section of the online

    "You can test if your configuration file is syntactically correct
    by running the appropriate daemon with the -t option. The daemon
    will process the configuration file and print any error messages
    then terminate. For example, assuming you have installed your
    binaries and configuration files in the same directory.

    cd <installation-directory>
    ./bacula-dir -t -c bacula-dir.conf

> And if the bacula-dir did die, will running backups stop? 

Yup.  Even if you're sure that your configuration files are correct,
I'd be surprised if the Bacula director could survive the type of
mid-job restart the you seem to be contemplating.

> * Does Bacula summits one transaction for each file to PostgreSQL? Any way 
> to pool several files as to have them in a single transaction?

I have no idea, nor any reason to care as the database stuff has
always just worked.  Are you just curious, or is there some other
issue that you're chasing?

-- John Kodis.

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