Nobody wants to help me? :'(

Thank you Dan, here's all information I have

Before posting, it's an evidence, I searched on my friend google, but the only concrete solution I found was to change permission on /dev/nst0.
before : crw-rw----  1 root tape 9, 128 2006-05-03 17:51 /dev/nst0
after :    crw-rw----  1 bacula tape 9, 128 2006-05-03 17:51 /dev/nst0

I found this solution dirty because at every reboot /dev/nst0 recover root owner. but, it's true, this solution works.

So I was wondering if there were an elegant answer. like using sudo?

Do you think using sudo with something like that is pretty ?

# /etc/sudoers
Host_Alias MES_ORDIS     = localhost
User_Alias MES_USERS     = bacula
Cmnd_Alias MES_COMMANDES = /bin/mt
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL

in fact it seems that this sudo config isn't sufficient : I have this message 2 times : 1) at beginning of backup but I don't know which binary try to access /dev/nst0 2) at ending of backup but I know : my after_backup_script do a mt rewind and mt eject...

But you're right, my question was too short I didn't give you anything. So :

My configuration is :
- Dell poweredge 1850 / Certance Ultrium LTO2 (powervault 110T)
- Debian Sarge 3.1 stable with custom kernel
- bacula installation by apt-get (1.36)

id bacula returns :
uid=108(bacula) gid=108(bacula) groupes=108(bacula),26(tape)

(why bacula can't do mt correctly??? he's in tape group??!!)

My syslog :
May  3 23:50:04 server02 kernel: st0: Block limits 1 - 16777215 bytes.
May 3 23:50:04 server02 kernel: st0: MTSETDRVBUFFER only allowed for root.
May 4 03:46:05 server02 kernel: st0: MTSETDRVBUFFER only allowed for root.

my bacula.log with the job result :

03-May 23:50 server02-dir: Created new FileSet record "WeeklySet" 2006-05-03 23:50:02 03-May 23:50 server02-dir: Start Backup JobId 21, Job=NightlySave.2006-05-03_23.50.00
03-May 23:50 server02-dir: Recycled volume "mercredi"
03-May 23:50 server02-sd: Recycled volume "mercredi" on device "/dev/nst0", all previous data lost.
04-May 03:46 server02-dir: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 04-May-2006 03:46:00
 JobId:                  21
 Job:                    NightlySave.2006-05-03_23.50.00
 Backup Level:           Full
 Client:                 server02-fd
 FileSet:                "WeeklySet" 2006-05-03 23:50:02
 Pool:                   "WednesdayPool"
 Storage:                "LTO-2"
 Start time:             03-May-2006 23:50:02
 End time:               04-May-2006 03:46:00
 FD Files Written:       258,198
 SD Files Written:       258,198
 FD Bytes Written:       87,399,243,313
 SD Bytes Written:       87,447,439,486
 Rate:                   6173.1 KB/s
 Software Compression:   36.1 %
 Volume name(s):         mercredi
 Volume Session Id:      1
 Volume Session Time:    1146671501
 Last Volume Bytes:      87,554,491,405
 Non-fatal FD errors:    0
 SD Errors:              0
 FD termination status:  OK
 SD termination status:  OK
 Termination:            Backup OK

04-May 03:46 server02-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
04-May 03:46 server02-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
04-May 03:46 server02-dir: Begin pruning Files.
04-May 03:46 server02-dir: No Files found to prune.
04-May 03:46 server02-dir: End auto prune.

04-May 03:46 server02-dir: Start Backup JobId 22, Job=Catalog.2006-05-03_23.51.00 04-May 03:46 server02-sd: Volume "mercredi" previously written, moving to end of data. 04-May 03:47 server02-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume "mercredi" at file=88. 04-May 03:47 server02-dir: Max Volume jobs exceeded. Marking Volume "mercredi" as Used.
04-May 03:48 server02-dir: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 04-May-2006 03:48:28
 JobId:                  22
 Job:                    Catalog.2006-05-03_23.51.00
 Backup Level:           Full
 Client:                 server02-fd
 FileSet:                "Catalog" 2006-04-29 03:51:07
 Pool:                   "WednesdayPool"
 Storage:                "LTO-2"
 Start time:             04-May-2006 03:46:02
 End time:               04-May-2006 03:48:28
 FD Files Written:       1
 SD Files Written:       1
 FD Bytes Written:       10,356,813
 SD Bytes Written:       10,356,924
 Rate:                   70.9 KB/s
 Software Compression:   70.4 %
 Volume name(s):         mercredi
 Volume Session Id:      2
 Volume Session Time:    1146671501
 Last Volume Bytes:      87,564,867,307
 Non-fatal FD errors:    0
 SD Errors:              0
 FD termination status:  OK
 SD termination status:  OK
 Termination:            Backup OK

04-May 03:48 server02-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
04-May 03:48 server02-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
04-May 03:48 server02-dir: Begin pruning Files.
04-May 03:48 server02-dir: No Files found to prune.
04-May 03:48 server02-dir: End auto prune.

04-May 03:48 server02-dir: RunAfter: mt: /dev/nst0: Permission denied
04-May 03:48 server02-dir: RunAfter: mt: /dev/nst0: Permission denied

my bacula-dir.conf :

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Bacula Director Configuration file ETRANGES LIBELLULES
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Director {
 Name = server02-dir
 DIRport = 9101
 QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql"
 WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
 PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula"
 Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
 Password = "*******"
 Messages = Standard

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Job {
 Name = "NightlySave"
 Type = Backup
 Client = server02-fd
 FileSet = "WeeklySet"
 Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
 Storage = LTO-2
 Messages = Standard
 Pool = Default
 Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/NightlySave.bsr"
 Max Start Delay = 22h
 Priority = 10

Job {
 Name = "Catalog"
 Type = Backup
 Client = server02-fd
 FileSet = "Catalog"
 Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
 Storage = LTO-2
 Messages = Standard
 Pool = Default
RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup -ubacula -p*******"
 RunAfterJob  = "/etc/bacula/scripts/"
 Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
 Priority = 11
 Max Start Delay = 22h

Job {
 # default restoration
 Name = "RestoreFiles"
 Type = Restore
 Client = server02-fd
 FileSet = "WeeklySet"
 Storage = LTO-2
 Pool = Default
 Messages = Standard
 Where = /mnt/SAN01/vd6_backup/restore

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FileSet {
 Name = "WeeklySet"
 Include {
   Options {
     signature = MD5
     compression = GZIP6
   File = /mnt/SAN01/vd2_gestion
   File = /mnt/SAN01/vd5_projet

 Exclude {
   File = /mnt/SAN01/vd2_gestion/lost+found
   File = /mnt/SAN01/vd5_projet/lost+found

FileSet {
 Name = "Catalog"
 Include {
   Options {
     signature = MD5
     compression = GZIP6
   File = /var/lib/bacula/bacula.sql

FileSet {
 Name = "test"
 Include {
   Options {
     signature = MD5
     compression = GZIP6
   File = /mnt/SAN01/vd5_projet/test

 Exclude {
   File = /mnt/SAN01/vd5_projet/test/exclude

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Schedule {
 Name = "WeeklyCycle"
 Run = Level=Full Pool=MondayPool Monday at 23:50
 Run = Level=Full Pool=TuesdayPool Tuesday at 23:50
 Run = Level=Full Pool=WednesdayPool Wednesday at 23:50
 Run = Level=Full Pool=ThursdayPool Thursday at 23:50
 Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPool Friday at 23:50

Schedule {
 Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
 Run = Level=Full Pool=MondayPool Monday at 23:51
 Run = Level=Full Pool=TuesdayPool Tuesday at 23:51
 Run = Level=Full Pool=WednesdayPool Wednesday at 23:51
 Run = Level=Full Pool=ThursdayPool Thursday at 23:51
 Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPool Friday at 23:51

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Client {
 Name = server02-fd
 Address = server02
 FDPort = 9102
 Catalog = MyCatalog
 Password = "*******"
 File Retention = 30 days
 Job Retention = 30 days
 AutoPrune = yes

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Storage {
 Name = File
 Address = server02
 SDPort = 9103
 Password = "*******"
 Device = FileStorage
 Media Type = File

Storage {
 Name = LTO-2
 Address = server02
 SDPort = 9103
 Password = "*******"
 Device = LTO-2
 Media Type = LTO-2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Catalog {
 Name = MyCatalog
dbname = bacula; DB Address = localhost; user = bacula; password = "*******"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Messages {
 Name = Standard
mailcommand = "/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r" operatorcommand = "/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
 mail = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = all, !skipped
 operator = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = mount
 console = all, !skipped, !saved
 append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped

# Message delivery for daemon messages (no job).
Messages {
 Name = Daemon
mailcommand = "/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\" -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
 mail = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = all, !skipped
 console = all, !skipped, !saved
 append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default pool definition
Pool {
 Name = Default
 Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
 AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
 Volume Retention = 1 years          # one year
 Accept Any Volume = yes             # write on any volume in the pool

Pool {
 Name = MondayPool
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 6d
 Maximum Volume Jobs = 2

Pool {
 Name = TuesdayPool
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 6d
 Maximum Volume Jobs = 2

Pool {
 Name = WednesdayPool
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 6d
 Maximum Volume Jobs = 2

Pool {
 Name = ThursdayPool
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 6d
 Maximum Volume Jobs = 2

Pool {
 # on garde un vendredi de côté
 Name = WeeklyPool
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 AutoPrune = yes
 Volume Retention = 12d
 Maximum Volume Jobs = 2

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director
Console {
 Name = server02-mon
 Password = ""
 CommandACL = status, .status

Dan Langille a écrit :
On 4 May 2006 at 10:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At beginning and ending of my backup i receive this message in my syslog : kernel: st0: MTSETDRVBUFFER only allowed for root
What does it mean?

Does this Google search help?

Failing that, you need to show us the job output, tell us what OS you're using, and the version of Bacula. It'll also help to know what UID/GID each bacula daemon is using, and the permissions on st0.

Sylvain DAVID / Administrateur réseau

Etranges Libellules
17 Rue des Archers
69002 LYON
tel : 04 72 40 24 72
fax : 04 72 40 27 19

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