This issue is documented in the create_postgresql_database script. If Debian 
does not use this script, then they should be doing essentially the same 
thing (setting the encoding to SQL_ASCII or UTF8 depending on how you are 
running your system).  If they are not doing so, I would recommend that you 
file a Debian packaging bug report and refer them to the above mentioned 
script.  Note, Bacula consoles are only guaranteed to work correctly with 
UTF8 setting.  There is also code in the script to set the datestyle to a 
format that is usable by Bacula.

I believe that the documentation in the script is sufficient. If you do not 
agree, then please submit proposed text for the manual.

On Tuesday 13 June 2006 09:55, Florian Schnabel wrote:
> since the debian sarge package doesn't contain the create database
> script i just noticed nowhere in documentation is database encoding
> mentioned ... at least for me it's working with LATIN1 (got german
> characters in some files) .. UTF-8 and UNICODE both fail when bacula
> tries to insert records for some files
> i suggest adding some info about that to documentation :-)
> Florian
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