On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 11:34 +1100, James Harper wrote:
> > I've still got a couple of minor issues with restoring a Windows
> system
> > while using a BartPE CD:
> > 
> > * Specifying the target for the restore.  The system currently has the
> >   following partitions:
> >    Part 1 - 100G Primary partition defined as C:
> >    Part 2 - 400G Extended partition
> >    Part 3 - 400G Logical partition defined as E:
> > 
> >   Restoring C: works fine: I just specify the target as blank and the
> >   directory structure is correctly recovered into the C: disk.
> However,
> >   BartPE seems to be mounting what should be E: as D: with the CD
> >   mounted as E:.  If I leave the target as blank, the files go to the
> C:
> >   disk.  If I specify the target as D:, the files go to the D: drive,
> >   but under a \e directory.  Once the restore is finished I can move
> the
> >   directory structure back up to the root, but it would be nice to
> have
> >   them go to the correct place to begin with and avoid the extra step.
> Create a junction called C:\bacula-restores\E to the actual D: drive,
> and direct bacula to restore to C:\bacula-restores. It should do the
> right thing from there. If the tools to do the junction mapping aren't
> in bartpe you should be able to add them without much fuss, although by
> the time you have restored C: they should be there, depending on what
> version of windows you have.

I forgot that you can do that with Windows.  That should work.  I've
about run out of cycles for backup/restore testing so I'm not sure if
I'll get a chance to try it, but if I do I'll post the results.

> > 
> > * Windows does not see the second partition.  After restoring the
> system
> >   and rebooting, I have to go into Window's 'Disk Management' and
> assign
> >   a drive letter.  I had assigned the letter when I created the
> >   partition, and and it was defined when I created the backup.  Why
> did
> >   it get lost now?  In a previous test I had backed up/restored only
> the
> >   C: drive without touching the partition table, and Windows lost the
> >   partition that time as well.  Any ideas as to what is missing?
> I think windows assigns the letters using volume uuids. If you are
> restoring the system, especially to D:\E and then moving the files back
> to in \E back to \, and possibly even using a junction, then it may not
> restore the uuid correctly, and therefore windows will think it's a
> second disk. C:\ should work regardless because it can't really be
> anything else.
> > One more detail: when I first booted BartPE with no partitions defined
> > on the disk, the CD was mounted as E:.  In the process of defining the
> > partitions, I assigned the second partition as E: which then meant
> that
> > none of the files/programs on the CD could be found.  I had to power
> off
> > and reboot, at which time BartPE mounted the second partition as D:
> > instead of E: and kept the CD at E:.  Could that be causing both of
> the
> > problems?
> I'm not sure, but I would guess not. Is there an option in bartpe to
> assign the CD to an out of the way drive letter like Z:? it's been a
> while since I've used it.
I didn't see anything, but I'll look when I get a chance.  For us it
isn't currently all that big a deal, and we may even be able to handle
it through a change to the process: as the last step before rebooting,
go back and assign that partition to E: again.

BTW: the machine that I have been testing on is a clone of our Domain
Controller / Exchange Server.  With the exception of the minor glitches
mentioned above, after the restore the system came up just fine and
users were able to log in and get their at their email.  I'm still not
an expert with Windows (and I intend to keep it that way), but are there
other potential issues with restoring Domain Controllers / Exchange
Servers / other MS servers (other than data-loss between backup and
crash) that I've missed?


Dwight Tovey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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