> Hi,

English / Spanish
Hi / Hola

> I was searching the documentation but I couldn't find any answer there
> about my question:
> ¿What are the possible reasons for a volume to reach the "Error" Status?

Wrong tape, wrong db, wrong drive, wrong number of files (the tape), etc. / 
Cinta defectuosa, Error de BD, Drive defectuosos, número erróneo de archivos 
en cinta, etc.

> ¿Is it safe to change its status so that it can be used again?

Not always. You can "repair" some logic errors ( 
But when you have a hardware error the change of status don't works ;-)


No siempre. Puedes reparar algunos errores lógicos ( 
pero cuando el hardware falla no hay tu tía ;-) Primero se arregla el harware 
(cambio de cinta o lo que sea) y luego se "toca" el software.

> Thanks in advance.

A pleasure / Un placer.

Juan Luis

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