Here are some additional informations :

*list volumes
Pool: Default
| 108     | ScribeVolume0108 | Full      | 1       | 1999949066 | 0 
    | 5184000      | 1       | 0    | 0         | File      | 2007-05-06 
02:01:39 |
| 109     | ScribeVolume0109 | Full      | 1       | 1999936408 | 0 
    | 5184000      | 1       | 0    | 0         | File      | 2007-05-13 
02:20:23 |

*list pools
| PoolId | Name    | NumVols | MaxVols | PoolType | LabelFormat  |
| 1      | Default | 99      | 0       | Backup   | ScribeVolume |

*show pools
Pool: name=Default PoolType=Backup
       use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1
       max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=3 months 10 days
       VolUse=6 days  recycle=1 LabelFormat=ScribeVolume
       CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
       RecyleOldest=1 PurgeOldest=0 MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0
       MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0

This night, Bacula tried again to create those volumes, why ???!


le dahut wrote :
> Hello,
> I used bacula-1.38, since I updated it to 2.0.3, it backuped 4 times ok 
> and then it errors with :
> """
> 23-May 15:53 Client1.2007-05-23_15.32.54 Warning: Wanted 
> to create Volume "ScribeVolume0109", but it already exists. Trying
> again.
> 23-May 15:53 Client1.2007-05-23_15.32.54 Error: Too many 
> failures. Giving up creating Volume name.
> """
> I noticed that that the concerned volumes are not always the same. For 
> example today bacula errors about "ScribeVolume0100" to 
> "ScribeVolume0109" and on may 20th it errored on "ScribeVolume0090 to 
> ScribeVolume0097".
> Here's part of my SD configuration :
> Device {
>    Name = FileStorage
>    Media Type = File
>    Archive Device = /var/sauvegardes
>    LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
>    Random Access = Yes;
>    AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
>    RemovableMedia = no;
>    AlwaysOpen = no;
> }
> the DIR conf :
> Pool {
>    Name = Default
>    Pool Type = Backup
>    Recycle = yes
>    AutoPrune = yes
>    Volume Retention = 100 days
>    LabelFormat = "ScribeVolume"
>    Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
>    Maximum Volume Bytes = 2 gb
>    Volume Use Duration = 6 days
> }
> liste volumes shows all the concerned volumes in database ... what's 
> happening ?
> K.

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